Kevin Kelly has for decades been involved in some of the most interesting projects I know about, and in his roles as founding editor (and now editor at large) of Wired Magazine and editor of
The Whole Earth Catalog has helped spread the word about many others. Kelly is probably as close to a Rennaisance man as it's possible to be in the 21st century, having more-than-passing interest and knowledge in a range of topics from
genetic sequencing and other ways that we can use measurement in pursuit of improved health to
how technology is used and reused in real life. Among other projects, he's also the founder of
CoolTools, which I consider to be (unsurprisingly) the closest current equivalent to the old Whole Earth Catalogs. (Disclaimer: I've had a few reviews published there, too.) (He's also one of the founders of
The WELL, now part of Salon.) Kelly is also Secretary of the Board of Directors of the
Long Now Foundation, the group which for years has been designing a
clock to ring on 10,000 years in the future. Below, ask questions of Kelly, bearing in mind please the
Slashdot interview guidelines: ask as many questions as you want, but please keep them to one per comment. He'll get back soon with his answers.