The Tragedy of Bedope, Segfault, and User Friendly 99
You won't see it reported on the evening news or on the front pages of newspapers but three of the Net's most important sites -- UserFriendly, Segfault and Bedope, were shut down today after a series of lawsuits by the same people who sponsored and passed the Communications Decency Act. Protests in Washington, New York city, and Toledo, Ohio were held spontaneously this morning but were, of course ignored by the media.
I know what most of you thoughtful kick-ass programmers are thinking: "What the fuck is this shit he's writing about now? How much more can we stand?"
But as you can see from the site, it's not just me. Bedope changed Net history, and was one of the sites that led directly to the spread of the open source and free software movements. Along with FidoNet e-mail, it challenged powerful computing companies in a way that had never occurred before.Bedope wasn't just a website, it was a movement, an inspiration and a gathering spot for kick-ass geek programmers from all over the world. This shut down shouldn't be allowed to stand. As to UserFriendly, one of the Web's bravest and most powerful voices has been shut down. Because it was a biting comic strip, and not useful information about things like writing manual pages with groff, UserFriendly didn't, of course, belong on Slashdot, and wasn't permitted here. Not macho enough. But still, nobody wants to see them get whacked. This stuff happens all the time, off-line, but not online. This cute little site was one of the first to push for programming with gcc, in the x2-CCC format. And then the C++++complier, familiar to all of you.
As to Segfault, it often sucked --actually, it always sucked -- but since when does that matter? That doesn't mean it doesn't have the right to operate.
We have to help these people out. If you have any class or pride as a geek, you'll for your own Bedope/Segfault/UserFriendly support group. But make sure to customize the C-Kermit first. (example: # cp/usr/local/lib/kermit/ckermod.ini~/mykermrc. You know what I mean. As the legendary cyber-guru Julian Seban said in his Nine Laws of the Net: "Bite me. Then Bite Me Harder."
72 hours to hope that millions of irate and technologically adept fans calm down...
72 hours till those fans browse through the list of smurf amplifying networks and zero in on their target...
sure, it's immature and probably illegal... but can you stand a kick in the crotch like this?
its Katz (Score:1)
April fools nothing -- this is the sort of post you should have made months ago, Jon.
Attaboy! (Score:1)
a snippet from the segfault source
if ( $title =~
$changes_of_being_published -= 10;
we get toooo many!!! give us a chance. In a month or two when the Segfault rewrite kicks in they'll be a whole section devoted to this stuff
Boy who cried "wolf" (Score:1)
And then ignoring "Michael Scott DeWitt" which a few of you got and "See you on the flip side" which a few less (but rather proud of themselves when they did) got.
We gave ya hints
SegFault doesn't suck (Score:1)
It was all a April 1st joke (Score:1)
Not Funny (Score:1)
Why did we all assume MS would try to suppress UF and segfault? Not easy, and where's the money in it for Microsoft? Generally, when Microsoft does something, there's a profit in it for Microsoft.
Katz, you should switch to humor!! (Score:1)
s/today/any day/; (Score:1)
Every moral has a story, every story has an end...
What was I saying?
Geeks protecting their porn (Score:1)
Kyt - still mildly po'd at this "joke" by UF,
Boy who cried "wolf" (Score:1)
It's a shame to say it, but I hope it's legit. Not that I want sites like this shut down, but simply because I'd hate to think that Iliad (and the others) have so little regard for their loyal readers. There's a strong base of people who would gladly be up in (virtual) arms over this type of injustice - I would hope that these sites are not mocking that loyalty and commitment.
How the owners of the sites screwed up. (Score:1)
Yellow Dog Linux for real? I think so (Score:1)
heh.. (Score:1)
On a side note, imagine the stock prices flying and stock market fluctations if yahoo's little stock board did something like this. "Wal-Mart has decided to fund BeOS! Starting next year, their outlets will no longer carry any microsoft operating system products, and Be developers will have free drinks & snacks in the employee breakroom"
John Katz again... (Score:1)
John: Learn how to spell, write and think before posting here again! You are wasting our valuable time.
And Rob: What kind of lousy editor is you, when you allow trash like that to be posted. At least you should run a spell checker on it! Slashdot will continue to be useless garbage until you learn to apply a minimum of professionalism in you job as editor.
I'm really an Anonymous Coward, but I forgot how not to log in.
Rapidly getting sick of April Fool's Day (Score:1)
The occasional April fool jape is fine and dandy, but need I remind anyone about the story of the boy who cried "wolf"? While the Linux riots story was funny, I think this one is pushing it a bit.
I agree - Its not funny any more! (Score:1)
one more (Score:1)
I dunno if that's an April Fool too/either
Impressed (Score:1)
That was great (Score:1)
I feel ambivalent about it, however, because I can't help but think that Jon Katz simply felt that this was another great opportunity for self-promotion that he couldn't pass up.
John Katz again... (Score:1)
Really... (Score:1)
hoaxes and humour (Score:1)
Now the mouse powered laptop, that was genius, plausible for a few moments, and genuinely funny. That wins my best april 1st article.
But the number of these articles has killed the whole joke, and ploughed the fun into the ground, very very heavy handed. Don't try so hard.
Awesome (Score:1)
As a representative (unelected) of all of the Canadian-students-who-are-living-in-the-US, I am burning my slashdot shirt on the steps of the Rhode Island capitol building today in protest.
Be sure to edit the C-Kermit, indeed.
John Katz again... (Score:1)
it seems like he didn't even WRITE that article, but yet you guys still flame him? it's quite sad actually... i don't think he's that bad
Really... (Score:1)
But this Katz story was the only joke to make me laugh yet today. Good read. I liked it.
Really... (Score:1)
I screwed that up, I ment to say "Form Nvidia and 3dFX merging"
Now I have egg on my face...
No! (Score:1)
It has been talked about off and on for a while now, although it isn't actually out. I'd say it is for real.
- Darchmare
- Axis Mutatis, http://www.axismutatis.net
John Katz again... (Score:1)
You know what they say about those who live in glasshouses...
What kind of lousy editor is you, when you allow trash like that to be posted. At least you should run a spell checker on it! Slashdot will continue to be useless garbage until you learn to apply a minimum of professionalism in you job as editor.
BTW: If it's useless garbage, you're more than welcome to leave.
- Darchmare
- Axis Mutatis, http://www.axismutatis.net
So only geek sites are important? (Score:1)
Remember 1996 and the Communications Decency Act? Many people who were on the 'net around then had some sort of geekish roots - and many of our pages were changed to black in protest. Many messages were sent to congress, many supported the EFF, and so on.
Geeks have been traditionally very aware of free speech issues - even if it's only to protect porn sites, free speech is still free speech.
- Darchmare
- Axis Mutatis, http://www.axismutatis.net
You sound like my girlfriend.. (Score:1)
it is a spring, and Cats are getting together (Score:1)
thumbs up
Ahh, yes, cannibalism is ever amusing... (Score:1)
methinks Intel might have been involved (Score:1)
Just a thought.
Oh, for the love of... (Score:1)
OF COURSE NOT, you humourless drone. Geez:
I'm really an Anonymous Coward, but I forgot how not to log in.
Oh, he's serious, all right.
Ripping on BeDope (Score:1)
either katz was really drunk or... (Score:1)
alright already :) (Score:1)
phil :)
Give me names (Score:1)
The disturbing part? I defend anonymity -- it's essential to free expression. But this kind of anonymity actually curbs free expression. Someone is doing a bastardly thing, and I can't even boycott them. So I'm also doing a little soul-searching. Just how should I feel about anonymity?
And I do want to boycott -- just because I didn't find segfault funny or keep UF on my bookmarks doesn't mean I don't despise the actions of the hideous fiends seeking to shut them down. Heck, I'd visit them each twice a day (and take cookies, and click through one ad a week) just to piss the corporate weasels off.
(Is that libelous? I can judge these people -- and I use the term loosely -- based only on their action(s), since they deny me the context of their identity. And these actions, to my mind, could only be performed by hideously petty, selfish fiends. And since anonymity protects them from any real action I might take, I'm left with free expression -- vitriolic free expression.)
Have the names of the litigious corporate slime been made public, and I just missed it? I might revise my opinions of them upward a micrometer if they were at least brave enough to admit their actions. (At least we know they have to be corporates -- no one else has money for nuisance lawsuits.)
Failing that, an actual lawsuit has to have litigants. And that info's public, right? Hopefully, someone knows more than I do about how to look up this stuff....any law folk in the crowd?
P.S. - Did I mention how much I want to boycott these people?
A Trip (Score:1)
Whoa, man. That was unreal. Go Katz!
Returns to flossing teeth with cat intestineHow the owners of the sites screwed up. (Score:1)
I cannot stress this enough. If your site has been challenged legally, regardless of the nature of the injunction, whether it's legal or illegal for you to do so, GET THE WORD OUT TO THE PUBLIC WHO THE PEOPLE WHO DID IT ARE! If we know who they are, pressure can be applied. You can't apply public pressure to an unknown entity.
The owners of the sites named screwed up by not making damn sure we knew who shut them down. Don't be so intimidated you don't shout loud and publicly so we know who is harassing you with lawyers. Anybody can be harrassed by unscrupulous entities with cash and legal access. To fix it we need the clear light of day focussed on the perpetrators.
Reserved judgement (Score:1)
Katz (Score:1)
Funny. At times, I could say the same thing.
At least this wan't another dang ad.
No! (Score:1)
My only question is: is Yellow Dog Linux for real?
its Katz (Score:1)
1. sick of getting flamed so he's writing
concisely and to the point.
2. as infuriated as we are about this.
this is not a joke because:
1. this has been in the works for some time.
3. has affected serveral large sites who, i
would guess, dont often cordinate sick jokes
this sux ass cause:
1. we're loosing original and well loved sites
2. we're loosing a community (for us UFies)
and i for one, am frustrated as all hell.
If i had a ton of dynamite I'de be half-way to
redmond already.
Courts and case numbers. (Score:1)
*laugh* (Score:1)
Courts and case numbers. (Score:1)
Hehehe (Score:1)
Anyway, I look forward too the rewrite.
Impressed (Score:1)
My only problem - I don't have my User Friendly fix for the day!!! How can I possibly start coding without it?!?!?
Hopes dashed (Score:1)
You sound like my girlfriend.. (Score:1)
User Friendly pioneered the use of phase inversion couplings to enhance the inverse polarity of Foolitron pulses.
A bit too heavy handed (Score:1)
Katz likes to add lots of ancillary supporting evidence, some anecdotal quotes, and is quite complex in his sentence structure.
Whoever wrote this doesn't sound like Katz, unless Katz is deliberately trying not to sound like hisself. The cursing for example, gives it away, and I don't know that I can believe Katz would be so computer literate to write
# cp/usr/local/lib/kermit/ckermod.ini~/mykermrc
It would have been a much better joke if the work were more serious, a little stuffy, pedantic, and much longer. But then again, people might have taken it seriously. Except for it being April Fools. Ah, I don't know. Good attempt, but no points awarded.
Another clue? (Score:1)
Michael Scott Dewitt = MS Do-it? *grin*
Legal Observation? (Score:1)
But when did Canada secede?
(Okay, I checked the international list and there's no match there either. I'd hope the best lawyers on the ISLAND would be wise enough be listed in the standard directory. No I'm not, I just work at a firm.)
Legal Observation? (Score:1)
hehehehehe (Score:1)
It was all a April 1st joke (Score:1)
Good One! (Score:1)
This mornings closing of Segfault, User Friendly and Be Dope was announced to me today from an article by JonKatz posted on Slashdot . It definitely explains the realism that goes into what seems like some"insignificant" changes. What I want to know is-where are all of the new Open Source "heros" when you need them? I don't see IBM, Dell, Novell nor Redhat running to anyone's rescue. These are the BIG companies that were supposed to launch Open Source into the next millenium, right? That is where the insignificant part comes in now. Why should they care if a couple of humor sites loose face?-because it's a
part of our culture, that's why. If at first it seemed like all of the great things going on with Open Source were too good to be true-it's because they were. We can make our own conclusions on operating systems and software, but it's out of our hands now. The Open Source culture is being forced to change, drastically. Don't think they don't know what they are doing either-these are companies that have been around and back again, and if you ever ONCE thought that it had to do with anything other than money, you are wrong.
The Open Source culture has always been one made up of different opinions, and sometimes those opinions are expressed to the public in the form of humor-actually, most of the time. That is Open Source's biggest downfall in the business community, the fact that like the software, we are open about everything. Don't get me wrong, I don't like this at all, but we did ask for it. We placed ourselves right into their hands thinking that things could only get better now that we have "corporate backing". In my opinion, this is a case of prevention by example, people are going to start to think before they post-hopefully a lesson learned. I'm sure Segfault, Be Dope and User Friendly did not have this on their minds, I am just trying to point out the fact that this is not the end. And as Eric Raymond recently pointed out, the last thing we need to do right now is start acting childish about it and sending out flames to everyone.
i hate to spoil the fun... (Score:1)
Yes it was! (Score:1)
Umm... you're talking here about one of the greatest and funniest parodies of all time. Did people take it seriously? Yes! That's what made it so brilliant! He fooled a lot of people... and that takes talent!
This whole UF/BeD/SegF thing was pretty damn good, too!
- Sean
Cool! (Score:1)
Teeheeeh heee... I think my sides are gonna split...
John Katz again... (Score:1)
I'm really an Anonymous Coward, but I forgot how not to log in
Gee that's really funny!
Legal Observation? (Score:1)
you are in on this too, eh? (Score:1)
Thanks guys, I'm enjoying this immensely.
p.s. Rob - the "new and improved" Slashdot ROCKS. I actually read through all the comments now!
A bit too heavy handed (Score:1)
User Friendly back online... (Score:1)
thank you (Score:1)
I also don't think it's Katz doing the writing.
If you will notice, he always uses uppercase characters in his from
This time, we have lowercase:
from the fighting-for-the-little-guy dept.
Plus, I've never seen Katz curse in his articles.
its Katz (Score:1)
You are:
1) Gullible
2) and Attempted Conspirator
Take you pick.
Scott is one sexy mama (Score:1)
As a regular Segfault writer, I say, Yippeeeee!
Katz's Writing (Score:1)
Oh, and if you think I'm serious, you probably need to loosen up a bit
"scribulations" -- is that even a word?
Legal Observation? (Score:1)
--scared loyal ufie.
Legal Observation? (Score:1)
One thing that did ring a alarm is the name of the legal counsel - Michael Scott DeWitt.
Both of the authors of Be Dope and Segfault share a name (Mike/Scott), and 'de witt'? Seems too much of a coincidence..
Has anyone looked to see whether this 'person' has a website at all? Perhaps there might be some more info forthcoming...
What the hell is wrong with you people?! (Score:1)
It was all a April 1st joke (Score:1)
There was at least one support site put up for Userfriendly.org: http://perl2000.com/Webmaster/Support, I am sure that the person that made that support page feels pretty silly now.
So, how about the story about the boy that cried Wolf... How are people going to react if this really should happen sometime? Will they take it as just another joke?
As to it being funny or not? I am not sure how I feel about it.. But they sure put a lot of effort into this one..
Who? (Score:2)
What the hell is wrong with you people?! (Score:2)
I'm not generally a violent person, but when I saw UF gone last night, I about turned cracker, had I known who this corporation was. I loved reading that every day, after I discovered it late last year. And Illiad made fun of *everything*. Microsoft, Linux, ?BSD, Intel, Star Wars, ISPs in general. Red Dwarf just this week. And it's all gone. Archives and everything. The web is smaller today.
Les the Book
April Fools! (Score:2)
Attaboy! (Score:2)
I don't believe that the
If a large corporation thinks that any of these sites can damage them then perhaps they should have concentrated on getting their reputation into a state where we support them instead of criticising them. It costs them less time, money and effort simply to reach for their lawyers when someone points a finger and says "you suck!" - I don't think that this is an acceptable situation.
And, yes, Segfault suck. They wouldn't publish my "Rage Against The Microsoft" soundbite.
Not Funny (Score:2)
Also, if you're going to have a joke, at least make it funny, because the writing sucked. Satire is supposed to epitomize hyperbole and go way beyond reason. Jonathan Swifte's "A Modest Proposal", which is about eating babies is funny, but just a couple of cheesy, somewhat obvious jokes is not.
Bad idea + Bad execution + Bad topic == Bad joke.
Other than that, slashdot is great. Thanks, Rob.
Not meant to be funny (Score:2)
So only geek sites are important? (Score:3)
So why should we be worried about just geek sites? Isn't that either a) short sighted or b) looking out for your own ass?
Thats not the most productive of attitudes, surely you (thats you Americans, we Brits don't have any rights to free speech believe it or not) should be worried about *any* type of net censorship, if it's by big business, the $ceintologists or the government. They're all equally unacceptable, but you only raise a fuss when sites you like get canned.
Not good enough folks, it's a case of I only complain when it affects me.
So if you're going to complain about censorship, don't limit yourself like this, it only does the geek reputation harm.